Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Look Thru Another Window

Anxiety...worry...such a waste of energy.  It serves no purpose and it makes no difference. 

 I will do as well as I can with the new job.  I will do as well as I can with my classes.  I will do as well as I can with planning and doing what I can at home.  The rest will have to be figured out among us as we go along. 

I think back to when I was single, living in Cleveland, working, going where I wanted when I wanted.  The apartment got cleaned when it got cleaned...and it took all of a half hour to sweep and dust.  I was a nut about the bathroom being clean so it got cleaned almost every other day...and that took very little of my time.  But now, I can no longer plan on stopping off at the gym on the way home from work then heating up some soup and making a sandwich for dinner.  Or just coming straight home from work and going face down on the bed for an hour or two...then eating a bowl of cereal when I got up.  They all kinda wait for me to do something about a real meal for them to eat around here.  And this house takes WAY longer than half an hour once a week to clean.

After my last blog post, I did a bit of browsing through some other blogs that I didn't know.  I found a whole lot of people writing blogs about their lives that are TRULY dramas.  The things they all have to deal with is mind bending!  Of course, there is the plop of whiner blogs (like mine) that you read and you think, ' call the WAHmbulance'.  I think that about myself a lot.

Then again, most of the people I come into contact with around me make me shudder.  I have no words for the depths of ignorance and vast lack of common sense.

I had a long conversation with Derek's wife the other day.  Derek lives next door.  His wife, Barb, is quite large...pale...wheezes when she walks...not to mention easily breaks into a sweat.  She is a very nice person.  Really!  Our conversations have never been very long but the other day I was amazed becuz I was standing outside my garage talking with Derek who came over looking for a tool that he was missing and thought it MIGHT be one Troy borrowed.  I looked up and saw Barb walking across my front yard...all the way across my front yard!  This is amazing becuz the most of a walk I've ever seen her take was from her SUV to her front door!  She stood there and joined in the conversation and kept talking...and talking.  I never knew exactly what she did for a living.  Turns out she is a computer geek.  She does programming and network security...she also taught some classes at a small college.  She was going on and on about the stupidity of the students.  She is totally wigged out about the thought that these scholars are going to be 'running' the technical infrastructure.

My son even complains about his co-workers.  He asks them about things or tries to have intelligent conversations about things and they don't have a clue about anything.  In his words, "Do they even look at the news on TV...EVER?" 


Anonymous said...

"Whambulance"?......ROTFLMAO.....Oh, that was a classic. Never heard it before, love it, and still laughing.

Derek's wife might be a good source of info/ advice on computers for you.

As far as the clueless, there are a fair amount of those. Maybe the next hit TV show will be "America's Most Cluelesss"...

Nancy said...

"America's Most Clueless"? oh please...there are already shows on that box that is like that only without that title...there is one called "World's Most Dumbest" which is pretty close. I CANNOT stand reality crap...except the, so called, reality shows on HGTV or DIY network. I can actually LEARN something from them! LOL As for Derek's wife...yeah, I expect to walk over to their house more and have some conversations with her. Derek will be going to Scotland with his sister for a week and she will be by herself. She and I could sit and have some conversations then.

Nancy said...

btw...that sounded kinda crotchety...if you actually heard me SAYING it you would know I was laughing when I said it. Putting things in print is not always the best way to say things.