Sunday, July 15, 2012

Contemplating and Arresting Attitude

Ahhhh...I have today off...a Sunday off.  Haven't had one of those in a little while.  I am practicing my usual Sunday "routine".  Get up, drink coffee and watch HGTV rehab programs while messing with the computer.  The dogs are given mass quantities of chewy things so they will be occupied.  Later I will sort laundry, put a load in and collapse from the strain of it all...until time to put in another load.  Somewhere in there I will manage to take a shower and put on something clean that I may find somewhere. 

Sunday would ordinarily have a dinner of leftover buffet except I did not plan ahead for it so today, with the heat, we are going to have BLT's and corn on the cob with perhaps a little pasta salad on the side.  Then, becuz my contemplation of going to morning church took too long to contemplate and I did not go, I will attend evening service which I enjoy more anyway becuz there is not so much congregational singing involved.  I do not know why but having to put in a half hour of singing on Sunday mornings berfore the minister speaks just kinda grates on me.

I decided to take a different attitude about my job at the convenience store.  I know that God directs my life and I do not understand all the time His purpose for me NOT getting the job I think I should have BUT....
I AM returning to college full time this fall and I need study time.  If I got the teaching job it would be way more work than the time they tell you that you will be paid for.  Also, the store job is more flexible and there is nothing to do with it when I am not there.  I get paid for every second I am there.

I also love my co-workers.  Well...the ones that work 2nd shift.  However, Larry, on 1st shift, while kinda odd (a guy one year older than me but sounds and looks like he is about 15 years older than that) has started to warm up to me (cuz, as he says, 'you are a worker!') and I'm getting used to him.  The other 1st shift person, Ashley, still needs to find herself a personality.  No expression on her face...EVER.  I guess that is why they keep her in the kitchen in the back and she is not allowed to work the registers.  I still prefer 2nd shift. 

Plus Aaron, the manager, is nice enough to work out schedules the way we ask.  He is a nice guy.  The new co-manager, Darryl, seems to like me and has joined in on my joking.  Nick, the manager in training, is young and whines but he likes to joke with me too.  He also knows when he trains me in something new that it will be the only time he will have to show me or say anything to me about it. 

Although, Nick came into work yesterday afternoon looking like hell.  I knew he left work the afternoon before hauling beer out and he was having a party cuz his brother was visiting from Chicago.  I said, "Not feeling good there Nick?  Too much party?"  "I didn't get to bed until 4:30 this morning."  "How old are you?"  "28" "old enough to know better"  "My brother is older than me and he stayed up drinking too."  "BUT your brother didn't have to work today, right?"  "No...he lives in Chicago!"  "then he KNEW he could stay up all night drinking."  "Would you work a double and let me go home?"  "um...that would be a no.  Why should I suffer for your stupidity?"  I kinda felt sorry for him but not THAT much.

However, just so I did not totally dent my karma, when a troop of boyscouts on their way home to Michigan from a camporee in Tennessee broke down in our lot and were waiting in the heat for other troop cars ahead of them to come back and get them, I bought them all freezies.  They were grateful and the biggest smile was on the face of one of the adult leaders.  He was the first one at the freezie machine.  LOL 

Anyhoo...I am gonna go continue with my lazing around.  It's Sunday...the day of rest.


Anonymous said...

Went through some of your previous posts. Had some catching up to do. Hopefully the computer classes are worthwhile. One suggestion I'd have is to look around at the computer jobs available and see if the skills they want are those that are in the classes. Some schools teach certain programs and skills that are obsolete by the time students graduate. Really hope this works out for you.

Heatherscot said...

Skinny...the only reason I am taking the computer programmer classes at the college I am is becuz most of the instructors work out in the private sector and will get you into and internship...and as long as you do well they will hire you before you even graduate so you have a paying gig before you are out of college. The computer and engineering departments of this college have a very high placement rate. AND most of the companies that hire you will foot the bill for you to go on and get your bachelor's degree. I am not sure I want to take it that far but we'll see.

BryM said...

I pulled time in a convenience store too - and it's too funny that the people you work with are just like the ones I worked with! Especially the one who asks you to do a double shift because he's got a hangover! As for the college thing - GO FOR IT!! Continuing education is always worth the troubles that come along while doing it!