Sunday, September 13, 2015

Inner GPS

Calm.  That is what I am settling into...the best I can.

Evil spoke to his son yesterday and told him he is feeling somewhat better.  He moved his stuff out of Thug's step mother's house and into private storage.  He told Thug it wasn't a breakup, just a 'step back' but apparently she wasn't fooled by it and did not take it well...whatever that means.  I don't care.  All I was concerned with was whether or not he was getting better, health wise.  I got confirmation of that so...I am done.

He will find out, now, what it is really like not to have me in his life.  I am not doing it for any mind games, etc.  I am just getting on with my life and enjoying not having to put up with his stupid decisions and his drama.

I am now working on my life.  It is a weird feeling to get used to...working on me, and only me.

It is like having constricted breathing for years and suddenly the breathing passages open up.  I will no longer have someone following me around telling me all that I am doing wrong.  Even my worst moments could not compare to the stuff he did.

I will not be anchored to someone who would rather be anywhere but home.  I will no longer sit here and wonder what is so awful about me that he does not want to spend his time with me.

I am excited for my future.  I am loving my job, and will move up the scale.  Even if I do not get a teaching job with OHVA, I can move up the ladder with k12 in other capacities.  I am in a great place right now.

Personal relationships will happen.  God will guide me in the right direction when it is time.

1 comment:

Jo ~ said...

Amen! There is a bigger plan! :)