Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Peter Pan Syndrome?

I had to text Evil Spawn today about a Dental Coverage question concerning our son.  He was very nice to me and then he told me he sent a copy of the coverage to my email.  I was really busy with my job but I remembered to look at the end of my office hours.

Then I found it ...an email with what I first thought was an apology.  How he missed me...the kids. How he was sorry...

But then I realized, being true to form, he was actually sorry for what he ALLOWED 'her' to do...she fooled him, she came between us and his family, etc.

Again...NEVER swallowing the blame for his own actions/choices.  It really aggravated me!  WHEN will he EVER grow UP?  I sent him back an email telling him that I am able to own my faults/choices.  I give myself credit for being an adult and having sense enough to know better. 

I told him that IF he can ever be adult enough to own up to his choices and not blame it on anyone else, I MIGHT listen to his apology. 

I also told him  that someday some guy will thank him for letting me go. 

I am also getting tired of the drama brought into my house by the son's fiancée.  She really needs to do some growing up.  I raised MY kids.  She needs to quit making my son feel badly about everything he says or does...trying to make him feel bad about having feelings about things. She needs to appreciate and not expect.  I should not have to support someone else's kid!  She may be 22 but she mostly acts like 12. 


I am not a perfect person.  No one is. BUT I DO have a big heart and I will put others before myself most of the time. 

I am just getting tired of the footprints on my back!

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