Friday, November 14, 2014

Conclusions, Jacks, Rope and other things for Jumping

I was reminded again tonight why I should once more get down on my knees and thank God that I am divorced and he is in Kansas. 

I took the time yesterday to send Evil Spawn a copy of the work order receipt and the charge receipt for the new hot water heater with an explanation through the email.  I told him I was hoping he would be able to help with the cost and that I had already paid for the labor...which turned out to be $6.67 less than half of the total cost.  I saved at least $200 by hiring a local guy to install it, buying the needed parts myself, and hauling the old one off to the scrap yard myself. 

So, while on the phone with my mother he texts me to ask if I changed the password on the joint account.  REALLY???  If I was a vindictive bitch he would have surely known that by now.  I texted back NOPE...and then sent the password in the next text.  Then he texted back he was sorry, it was his fault, he typed it in wrong, yada yada.  I texted "jumping to conclusions"  he said he just wanted to check in case so that he didn't keep typing it in and get locked out of the account.  (sure...he thought I had changed it just to be a bitch).  I told him "I'm angry...not stupid"  He then says he will pay $200 on the charge.  I said, FINE.  (which one thing he DOES remember is when I say "fine" it's not...fine)  He said, Is that Okay??"  I reminded him " the whole thing cost almost $800 but never mind, it's not your problem" 

All during this I am reading back and forth to my mother his texts and my replies.  I was on the landline with my mom and my cell phone text notification is a frog croaking and she could hear it going off.  When I read her that he said he was going to pay $200 she says, "That's not even a third!"  I told her it was 1/4.  She said, "I would make him pay MORE!  Hold out for more money" 

I think I have written in my blog how much my parents dislike him.  And I don't blame them.  If some guy treated MY daughter the way Troy treated me and the kids, I would be in jail right now for assault.  My parents have better restraint than I do. 

Troy then responded with "You didn't tell me that!"

I said, "I sent you the receipts"

Troy: "I'll pay the rest next pay day.  I forgot!!!!!!  NIGHT"

Even in text I can tell when he is angry.  He starts putting a lot of repeated punctuation.  I was giggling at this point.  I told my mother, "See how quickly he gets irritated?  He started out paranoid and accusatory...then he was apologetic then he ended being ticked off and left.  I am SO glad I don't have to put up with that anymore!  I am astronomically thankful he is in Kansas and not HERE!" 

I am angry about it just for the way he went about things.   I am angry at wasting 25 years of my life with him.  But I am not angry about the divorce anymore.  I am not angry, sad, nothing.  I AM feeling happier...more hopeful about my future.  I don't really have any feelings toward my self worth yet but that will come.  I am a good, kind, honest person. 

While he is always on the defensive expecting me to do something hateful, spiteful, bitchy...he can keep waiting and watching.  That is the entertainment for me...the way he is stressing himself out over something that isn't going to happen. 

After 25 years of marriage...he never knew me at all. 


Jo ~ said...

it is kinda funny that he's freaking himself out at this point...LOL...I just had to get a water heater too, mine cost 150 bucks and a guy put it in for me for 40 bucks.

Nancy said... got a steal on everything. Everyone around here told me I did well. And I don't know what his deal is

Bookworm said...

Had all the plumbing done a few years back...I've blocked the bad memory from my mind.

Nancy said...

I figure at the rate I'm going everything will be replaced and updated in less than 5 years