Sunday, September 13, 2020

Get Rid of It

It's ironic listening to Dr. James Merritt this morning.  He is preaching about getting rid of it...the bitterness, the feeling that someone owes you...

Before the sermon started, I was thinking about forgiving and that it was okay to let it go 'as long as others knew how you had been 'wronged'.  THEN I thought...why is that important? Why do you have to go around letting others know what that other person had done to us?  Aren't we trying to hand over that anger to them to carry, instead of you?   That's exactly what we are doing.  We are just handing off the burden.  

I can sit and look at what I did wrong...I can admit to it.  Others do bad things to people because they have
sinfulness within them.  You can't expect them to be a good person if there is sinfulness in their heart.  I have let sinfulness into my heart and did not treat someone with kindness or compassion.  

If Jesus could go to the cross and endure the torture he did and die for a world full of unkind and sinful people, then I should be able to let it go...whatever the wrong has been done against me.  That is for them to work out with God and if I lash out against them...I am not setting a good Christian example.  

But here is the can forgive, let it go but that does not mean that you lay out the Welcome mat and let them back into your life.  

Learn, forgive, let it go and move on.  Don't transfer your anger to others to carry on.

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