Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Let the Pieces Land....

They didn't wait 4 weeks.  They let me go yesterday.  At the end of the day.  I was packed and ready for them. 

I called the monster spouse on the way home to let him know.  I was upset, of course.  He wanted to know what the reason was they gave for letting me go.  Then he yelled, "to hell with 'em."  Without missing a beat he said, "you need to get the house fixed up and get it up for sale cuz I can't make those mortgage payments anymore."  Then he started in on the bank account.  I cut him off and said, "I JUST lost my job, I'm upset and driving in traffic.  I can't listen to this right now."  He said, 'yeah, well,I'll talk to you tomorrow." 

He didn't talk to me today.  Not a text, a buzz, a finger...I finally tried calling him...a few times.  He never answered the phone.  Didn't answer my texts.  I tried calling his house phone.  No answer.  The kids txted answer.  FINALLY he texts me "just got up, have a headache, going back to bed" REALLY???  I lost my job, I'm upset, and that's what I get out of him.  ass. 

And those headaches....he tells me that almost everyday.  His excuse for not talking to me.  Or does he always have a headache.  IF he does he needs medical help...which I have told him.  Or, it is just an excuse.  I don't hear from him on the weekends...hung over or girlfriend or both?

I have job interviews.  We'll see how those go.  I have a bazillion applications to finish off and get sent in for lots of teaching openings and other various jobs for which I have experience.  Then I must start the job of finding a lawyer to get the divorce proceedings under way. 

I deserve some support.  Someone who actually gives a care about how I feel or what I am going through.  I don't deserve someone right away.  or maybe ever.  but I do deserve to not have to put up with him anymore.  I am sure he will be just as happy to be rid of me.

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