I helped Mr. Ex load up the furniture and such on Wednesday. ALL heavy. The truck bed was full, the trailer was full. I looked at him and said, "now, I want you to admit it."
"That you needed a trailer!"
"I could have gotten it all.."
"OH PLEASE!!! Never mind...I am not having this discussion" and I went in the house.
I got us something to eat and he sat there and started telling me about some of his dates. I got up from the table and went out into the kitchen. He came out and started to pick it back up. I held up my hand and I said, "You REALLY need to not talk so much. You divorced me and so that you could date low lifes." I will not continue with what all I told him because it makes me sound like a racist/bigot. I was mad. He actually did shut up and leave the room.
The hardest part was taking Max out to the truck. He jumped up in the front seat. I told Douche good bye and to make sure he took good care of Max...or else.
I was talking with my mom later when he interrupted with a call. I thought,' oh no! Something happened!' But...no. He just wanted to TALK! Will this man EVER go away?!?
I ended up not being able to go out with the new guy...Scott. He ended up working over with the horses (they were taking off for Lexington to races the next morning, after all...I do not know why he insisted on making a date). Then he asked me to meet him for breakfast before he left. I reluctantly agreed because I did not want to jump and run in the morning. It turns out he couldn't make that either. His truck had a mechanical issue when he went to leave the horse farm the night before. He took it into the mechanic as soon as he could in the morning and 2 hours and over $100 later it was fixed and he had to head straight to Lexington. He won't be back for 10 days. Which is fine considering the amount of work I have to do around here...
I have my class work to get done before the 13th...2 weeks early... because the 13 and 14th I will be at our school conferences. The 15th I have my eye surgery.
It seems I am moving my daughter bit by bit over this next week. AND I have a kitchen island to assemble for them.
My rose garden needs to get DONE! along with my sunroom needing to be taken care of so that I can enjoy it while I am convalescing. I will sleep in on those days and enjoy it.
I helped Beth's bf move a dresser into the apartment (he is moved in already) and she was moving some boxes in. She disappeared into the bathroom. Jordan finally checked on her and she was curled up in the bath tub. The anxiety and reality of it all hit her.
Mr. Ex reported that Max has yet to eat anything. In the meantime, back HERE, Jack finally ate some food tonight. He and Lucy started to play around together. AND I have not had to clean up one Jack puddle today.
Tomorrow...I have a vanity to paint, a chest of drawers to fix, a rose garden to work on.
Sunday...move the chest, a dresser, maybe the vanity. Work on my homework. Monday...work on the island, mow my lawn, do my job, do homework.
Tuesday, work on the island, clean my sunroom.
Wednesday...hopefully move the island..if not, it will wait until Friday. I have work work to finish up in the meantime, along with a lot of classwork of my own. I can do this!!!
I am NOT moving from here before next spring. I need time to slowly clear it out. I am not going to rush because I need a little calm. As it is, I may be learning a new job this next year. AND I MIGHT be working on a new relationship. That is all I want to deal with. It is more than enough.
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