Tuesday, September 16, 2014

0 to 60

82 days.  This divorce process took about the same amount of time as it took to throw my wedding together.  Actually, I think the wedding prep took longer.  Yeah...pretty sure wedding prep took longer.  Not by much, though. 

82 days from "I want a divorce" to officially signing the papers that unties the knot that was tied just a little over 25 years ago.

I have wasted a whole day going from crying to tired...to wanting to dive into a few bottles of wine...

I don't know why it is bothering me so much.  The change will be minimal.  This last year has been shit.  He left...hardly saw him...and hardly spoke.  A lot of the phone conversations were him yelling at me and lecturing me over money.  He never really asked how things were going at home...how anyone was doing...what was going on. 


My future is wide open.  My son said I was unhappy and would not have done this myself because of "it's the devil you know" syndrome.  He's probably right.  I liked to think it was more because I didn't want to give up.  But he is probably more on track,

The lawyer had called today to tell me the court date.  I passed it on to 'him' and told him I really didn't want to communicate with him anymore today.  My mother's sage advice was, "go to the store and buy yourself some good ice cream...it really will help." 

I did her one better...I finished off a bottle of Chianti and opened a bottle of Malbec.  I think that will really make me feel better.

It is my daughter's 19th birthday today.  Our family is having a birthday dinner for her tomorrow night because she AND her brother will not be working and her bf will get off work in time for dinner.  Today her friends took her out for dinner.  This was good cuz I didn't want to poop on her birthday.

I need a really long sleep.  But first...I have a load of laundry to do and a family room and diningroom to sweep.


Jo ~ said...

its always bittersweet, divorce. Take your time, embrace, find your joy again. hugs.

Bookworm said...

Divorce is rough...All sorts of wild thoughts and emotions. You're going to go through a grieving process just like someone close to you had died...life does go on...and peace of mind and joy will return.