Wednesday, August 29, 2012

As the World Turns

Troy has had some job offers...Afghanistan, Indianapolis, Delaware.  There is also an opening for a 9 month contract for the UK. 

My classes have started.  My husband can help me with one, my son can help me with another, the other two should be easy enough.  The one class is Ethics...a psych class.  Right up my alley (sarcasm dripping). 

The first chapter of that book DID raise an interesting personal question...are my ethical boundaries there becuz of my religious beliefs or would they be there regardless?  If I had not been raised with the christian base that I have, would I still make the ethical choices I make?  I must admit that I have my christian beliefs inspite of others around me that said one thing and lived another way. 

Speaking of ethics...that leads to one of my pet peeves: ppl that do not take responsibility for their own actions.  I totally believe that if you are going to dance you gotta pay the band.  And that 'girl' that sits behind me in training is seriously getting on my last nerve.

She was whining this morning about some speeding ticket that she got...she didn't MEAN to speed!  She was following someone else and when the cop pulled THEM over, he took off while she got the ticket!  Then she said she told her friend that her birthday cost HER $150 (she was on her way to her friend's for her friend's b-day).  I just looked at her and said, 'No, her birthday did not cost you $150...your speeding cost you $150."  She whined, "But I didn't MEAN to speed.  I was just following that guy."
"but YOU were driving your car and YOU were not paying attention to YOUR speedometer."  She just gave me a poutie stare and then said, "well, it's still her fault cuz she was born on that day."  wow.
BONUS!  She was so upset with me for scolding her, she SHUT UP for 2 whole wonderful hours!  She talks incessantly...AND she SQUEAKS when she laughs.  She looks like Taylor Swift so she sits behind me and sings.  She doesn't sound like Taylor Swift.   She sells Mary Kay. 

LOL!  It takes all kinds to make the earth go round.  And my world sure does know how to go around!

Stay one knows where things will be in another month...

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