Saturday, November 11, 2017


Each day I do a bit more...learning more how to help the students assigned to me.  But it makes me mad because it should have been this way from the start.  I have students in double digits that are failing.  I can't be sure if they are failing because of laziness, their disability, or because I was not shown how to modify lessons.  I would feel like the dummy but the guy on my team that used to be a teacher for OHVA for the last few years seems to be even more clueless than me. Nathan.  His name is Nathan.  Which explains what I suspected about him over the last 2 years when he was an ELA teacher and I was working as a FASL.  He was very blase about things.  I would ask him questions about his student and I would get a lot of, "I will check."  "I am not sure".  I am wondering if the reason he felt that he did not have a choice of whether or not he was switched from ELA Gen Ed teacher to IS is because they were trying to find a more useful spot for him.At least he has a good sense of humor.  Dry and sarcastic.  Something I can relate to.  I do not know how he handles THIS job.  He is married with young kids.  The married part is manageable as long as the spouse is understanding but how does he manage to have time for his kids?? 

I took the time to rearrange my budget and account for everything.  It cuts down on anxiety.  Now I need to take the time to arrange the time for working out.  Exercise is the only thing that helps me take off weight.  Of course you have to eat sensibly.  I can't eat a piece of pie everyday.  I should bake a pie then freeze the pieces.  Eat one piece a week.  That would take me 2 months to eat one pie.  3 pies a year (I CAN do math!).   I am not good at sticking with a diet that makes me cut out whole groups of food.  Right now the craze is cutting out sugar and carbs.  I can understand cutting out sugar.  And lowering the carb intake is good.  Lord knows twinkies aren't good for you. And eating pop tarts for breakfast is not the best idea...for MANY reasons.  yuck.

I would like to eat spaghetti once in awhile.  And maybe some potato soup.  I would like to eat salsa with chips.  I can do that...just not every day or every week.  I just need to put in a good amount of exercise.  I ask me students before small group IEP classes if they have taken a dance break to shake things out and get the blood pumping.  I need to make sure I do. I can do that between classes in the morning...after the classes...after my classes.  Then in the evening I do a half hour of working out in someway...muscle work out or cardio.  Track what I am eating on My Fitness Pal.  I really do need to learn to take care of myself.   I have gotten so used to putting everyone and everything before myself.

I finally got my travel cost reimbursement from my employer.  Now I have enough money to pay off to shut off this infernal Directv.  Then I am unplugging.  Hulu and perhaps CBS All Access but now I am thinking Amazon Firestick because my smart TV does not allow me to add the CBS all Access App.  So what good is it?  It is good for one button access to Netflix.  And Hulu.  But I want CBS All Access and possibly HBO access.  (I miss Sneaky Pete).

On a totally unrelated note...I chatted with a HS friend of mine on the FB tonight. She has always really liked me and I, for the life of me, do not know why. Especially when I was annoyed by her...WAY to enthusiastic.  LOL!  Anyway, she has lost quite a bit of weight in the last 6 months. She had a hernia and had an operation and while they were in there, they took part of her a gastric bypass type of operation...a sleeve.  She went from 232 to 163 and still losing.  She told me how much more energy she has and her back pain is gone.  She is the second friend of mine that has had such a surgery.  This HS friend urged me to check into it.  It would be great to have some help in the weight loss department. 

Anyway...I have things to do tomorrow.  I have a few craft fairs to go to at which some friends have some booths AND I have a hockey game to go to. One of my students asked me to come watch him play.  He is a great kid and a good student.  It is only 10 minutes away so I will put on a warm coat and go watch.  Make the kid happy.  His parents adopted him and 2 other kids. The other 2 have physical problems and this couple adopted them on purpose to give these kids a good home and someone that loved them and took care of them.  Now that is amazing.  What great people!

I also have  bit of yardwork.  So, I guess I had better get some sleep.

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