I thought I was going to give Matt the online guy another chance. I made one small step towards that and called him. We had a half an hour conversation and throughout most of the conversation he was irritating me. I was trying to talk about things in my life...nothing heavy...just everyday occurrances. For instance, I was talking about how amazing it is to see my bills go down with one less person in the house and what I can save on once my daughter moves out, i.e. cable bill. He cut me off with putting me down for even subscribing to cable and how satellite is so much better, etc. When he finally shut up I said, "ok. Well, it works better for me right now because they have the better internet service and I get a discount on my cable and home phone because..."
"Home phone?!? who uses a home phone anymore? If you have decent cell phone service no one needs a home phone anymore! I haven't had a home phone for (?) years!"
*sigh* "As I was saying, I save money with the bundle package..."
"They can't MAKE you choose a bundle package...they got sued for that. You don't HAVE to do a bundle. You could just use the internet if you want. I have their internet until (whatever company) extends their service into my area."
"They did not MAKE me choose a bundle. I did because it was more economical and I liked having a home phone, too, at the time, however I do need to go to the office and talk to them about NOT having the home phone, maybe, because..."
"You should get rid of that home phone. That will save you money on your bill right there. They are charging you for something I'll bet you don't even use anymore. When was the last time you used your home phone?"
"As I was saying, since it is a bundle package, if I get rid of the home phone, it will change my package and it may cost the same, anyway."
"oh. I getcha."
REALLY? It took me FOREVER just to get that one thing out. Then he ends the conversation with,
"Well, I'm home now. Thanks for the home commute conversation. I am going to go in and make some dinner and do some laundry, I hope we can talk again soon."
Sounded JUST LIKE my ex after he had moved to Kansas. The only conversations we had were when he was driving back to his apartment from his job. Once he got home I got the "Well, I'm home now. I'm going in and make dinner and watch TV. Talk to you tomorrow."
The only difference is that while Darkness was driving his conversation mostly consisted of remarks about the other asshole drivers on the road.
So...Matt is off the list. There has GOT to be intelligent life out there SOMEWHERE!
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