There are lots of things along that way that have started reminding me of my age. I'm not talking about gray hair...have had that trying to take over for the last 10 years and at the moment, I have been letting it think it is winning. Mostly becuz I have had lots of sun bleaching my hair out so the gray doesn't show so much...and I just don't feel like dying my hair only to have the sun take the color right back out.
My face is changing...starting to show some sag...not a lot but enough for me to stare at it and wonder who that is in the mirror.
Then there is the 'Senior Citizen discounts'. I always thought that you had to be over 60 to qualify. Not anymore! I am turning 51 next month and there are lots of places that are HAPPY to offer me that discount card. I told AARP where to stick it. Many times. I have my own reasons for not wanting to have anything to do with AARP and it is all political.
Then today we got our car insurance bill for the month. A couple of months ago it went into a yearly renewal and was I surprised to find out that the monthly payments fell $40 per month...if you do your math that means it is $480 a year cheaper!! And I didn't even have to spent 15 minutes talking to some Gecko or some lady with a bee hive up do. I looked over the papers and both cars were still fully covered. hhhmmmm And all 3 drivers in the house.
Then the bill came today and it was ANOTHER $10 per month cheaper. Now, really, who would complain about THAT? I had to call my insurance agent, though and ask. He just sighed and said, could be your cars are getting're getting older..." I laughed and said, "I didn't know insurance companies gave old drivers discounts." He said, "Oh...I didn't mean that in a negative way!" I just left a silence hang in the air...I could just envision Lionel (yes that's his name) with his bald head, tight t-shirt and arm grafitti squirming in his chair and his face turning red...yeah...Lionel looks like a biker. And his name is Lionel. And he sells insurance. Sorry...I just find the guy to be anything but a stereotype. Not a bad thing...just makes me giggle.
So, I made Lionel bring up our account and look it over. Jr. is turning 21 while I am turning 51. I won't make any comments on everyone's driving record as of late because I don't want to jinx it. I have a WEE bit of superstition in me about some things.
Ya can't fight the passing of time. I guess I'll just be waiting by the mailbox for my Buckeye Sr. Citizen discount card.
If you can't defeat the ravages of aging, you can at least enjoy its benefits. :^)
You take the good with the bad. Remember, you're not getting old, your getting "distinguished". That's the step before "extinguished"
Ah, if ya can't laugh about it, life's no fun. My wife says I'm starting to get a few gray hairs, and asks if I'll ever die it. Nope.
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