Thursday, May 19, 2011

Internet Exercise

I will be doing stuff around the house and think of something that I want to write a blog post about...then when I DO get to a point where I sit down at the computer, darned if I remember what it was I wanted to write.  I just do not 'do' computer so much anymore.

I have found myself to be a rebel about the whole computer thing lately.  I have been irritated by the amount of 'connection' that there is and, therefore, since the thought of it all irritates me, I connect less.  IPod, Iphone, IPad, blackberry, android, electronic notebook, skype, etc., etc.  Twitter, Facebook, chat, IM, blogs, etc, etc.  I never wanted to be THAT connected to the world!  Sitting down with Robin Meade in the morning while I have my first cup of coffee while munching on a Special K Protein Meal Replacement bar is about all the connection to the world I would like.

I find that job hunting online and filling out applications online to be quite the money and time saver.  It enables me to NOT get a job for free, now.

There is one tradition that hasn't totally died, yet...invitations in the mail.  I received one in the mail from a cousin yesterday.  Troy looked at it and asked who I knew in *Berkmire*.  I shrugged and he handed me this invitation-like looking envelope and said, "oh, it must be a *Calimar* thing."  He rolled his eyes and left.  My *Calimar* relatives are the only ones that have enough family members that are ALWAYS having weddings, graduation open houses, baby showers, etc.  And this is the snootiest one of the bunch.  Her precious daughter is getting married.  The daughter is somewhat of a disappointment to my cousin.  Even though the daughter has gone through college (something my cousin failed to finish) and earned not only a BS in Education but her Master's also and is a principal of a nice school, the daughter dares to marry a *gasp* 'lowly' mechanic. (They aren't so 'lowly'!  Have you seen the electronic equipment they have to learn how to use! )  AND the guy is Italian.  (insert blank stare)  My cousin is half Italian.  I guess she does not care for the Italian side of her family? 

The invitation clearly states it is 'adult only'.  Will there be porn included or something?  All I know is if I do not attend this wish-I'd-commmited-suicide family function then it would be worse than dissing the Royal Family Wedding.  Troy says, "SO!"  I said, "you just don't understand.  I need to go.  You don't HAVE to go.  I will go by myself if need be."  That last sentence I said with a down cast look and with a sad sigh in my voice.  Of course, he then said, "no, no...I'll go.  This is something you want to do so I'll go."  works every time. :D

I figure if I have to suffer, he can too.  He owes me. 

So now I have 8 weeks to whittle my figure down.  I am feeling one long stretch of Biggest Loser Last Chance Workouts.  How many L Bs can I drop in 8 weeks?  No, I will not burden myself.  However, sometimes you just need a good REASON...I mean other than my lower back hating me.  And other than stepping on the scale only to hear it creak as if it is going to burst at the seams.  And other than my hips JUST managing to fit between the arms of the diningroom table chair.  And other than...okay...y'all get the picture. 

Here I go.  If I don't check back in within a week, you can assume I'm dead.


Whit's Whittlings2 said...
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Whit's Whittlings2 said...


What you need to do is to carry around a small pad and a pen or pencil. When you receive a visit from the Muse, stop for just a moment and write down that fabulous bit of inspiration the Muse bestowed on you :^)

Nancy said... kids are trying to get me used to using the Notepad feature on the cell phone since it is within my reach 75% of the time. However, it is another electronic gadget...I am just not into stopping and writing things down. Therefore I will continually lose ideas and thoughts.

Scratch said...


I've been doing some regular exercising.. running mostly.. you're smart to do it on the internet thingy.. its less tiring that way.

Nancy said... I did my own version of PX90. I was doing muscle confusion. I did some time on the weight training machine, did some high impact aerobics, then some kickboxing and ended with some time on my Gazelle machine. My back feels way better but I have a feeling my buns is going to be giving me griefs.

Anonymous said...

Didn't do computer for a few days this week (except for work), and it was okay. I think online is love/hate. Sometimes I love going online and sometimes I think "turn it all off".

Nancy said...

Skinny...lately I have been of the opinion that most time I spend on the computer is a waste of my time. I don't know why. I just want to be doing something else.