Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What's That I Feel...Is Someone Happy to See Me?

No...not a guy in my life.  ha ha!

I have been feeling ridiculously happy...not ABOUT anything.  Just not like I am dwelling in a hole somewhere. 

I have been doing a "partial" water fast.  It's partial because I do not do it for 24 hours at a time.  I drink LOTS of water...some with pink Himilayan salt and some with organic apple cider vinegar and some with nothing.  I also drink my coffee in the morning.  I take my supplements...magnesium, potassium, tumeric, D3, iron (every 3 days), B12 and panax ginseng.  I refer to it as breakfast.  Then I eat once...sensibly.  No sugar. 

Why am I doing this?  Because I am tired of the nerve/joint pain and the pain in my left heel.  The pain is starting to disappear and my brain fog is clearing a little.  So...it's a good thing.  The down side is I pee...A LOT.  ha ha!

I am still trying to get the weeds taken care of around here.  The weather is not cooperating.  I bought a ton of bushes for around my house and plants for my hanging baskets and flower pots.  I have a vision for the front of my house.  I just need the time...and umph.  I need new railing on my front steps....they took it off and I don't know why.  I have to undo all the terribleness that they did to the house.  My new roof looks really good though.  It helps lift the look of the house. Makes it look less hovel-like.  I am short but I am not a Hobbit.  Hobbit Hovel...ha ha. (no, I am not drunk)

Today was a day to make me thankful that I have not yet started the descent into the recesses of alzheimers or dementia.  I was spinning...at my computer.  Calls, classes, emails, posting notes, helping my son update his resume...You know how it is. You wake up and think you only have a certain number of things to do and before 9 a.m. it has suddenly doubled and other interruptions come along too.

My son has decided to try and come out of his comfort zone and try for a job that he knows nothing about.  It is a really good company...he is going to try sales.  They are a logistics company.  He didn't even really know what logistics is!  ha!  I had to describe it to him then I told him to call his uncle (my brother) because that is part of what he does for his company.  And I told him to do his research on the company.  He has a friend from his church that has a small marketing company that he has asked to help him prepare for the interview.  Oh, yeah...he has an interview.

He said he had a feeling on Monday that something good was going to happen this week. Then this company called him yesterday to set up a phone interview.  I am not sure if this is THE job for him but we will see.

Okay...energy level is low.  I am keeping Sr. Citizen hours...bed by 9, up extremely early in the morning.  Lucy doesn't seem to mind either.  We play chase in the driveway at least once a day. 

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