Sunday, July 12, 2015

"Effortless" takes Effort

I am 9 days away from a whole year since Evil Spawn sent me the email telling me he wanted a divorce.  I am 2 days away from a year since  I lost my last job.  It is hard to believe a year has gone by.  A whole other year of my life...such a waste.  Or was it?

While there are things I could have been doing, spiritually and emotionally I did a lot.  I have gone through the valley and have come out the other side.  God held my head above water.  He carried me.  He led me.

I was chatting with Jay, yesterday.  He is a friend of Evil Spawn's from college.  Jay is a good   Christian guy whose wife left him because she wanted to party.  He found a wonderful woman on Christian Mingle named Krystal.  They have been really happy together...but now he is telling me that he thinks God is telling him to get rid of Krystal and wait for Sue (his ex) to be saved and come back...that he is supposed to take her back. 

Jay is disappointed in Troy...he believed Troy's lies too.  I told him that Troy is just a narcissist.  I wish I had realized what he really was a long time ago.  I would have known what I was dealing with and done more about it.  I do not know if things would be different or better NOW but I would have done things differently.

I told Jay that I am not sure he is correctly interpreting what God is telling him.  I told him that perhaps God is just telling him to take Sue back into his heart as far as forgiving her and praying for her...and if she ever does get saved and comes back needing help, he could help her.  I told him that God does not expect us to be unhappy.  It was not by his own doing that he met Krystal...I believe God brought them together to fix his life and shower him with blessings. 

I do not know if God has someone else out there for me but if He does He knows the right timing for me and this guy would have to just 'appear' in my life.  I do not believe God wants me to wait for Troy or take him back.  I believe He wants me to forgive about his salvation...and if God does get through to him and he comes back needing help, I believe He wants me to give him some help...short of taking him back in.  Did that, been there.  

No, I believe that story has had its final conclusion.  And I am starting a new book.  It feels weird but it is sinking in.  I believe Troy's life has some bad twists and turns up ahead.  But he is going to have to deal with it and I am not.  I am only going to deal with my life. With a lot of help from God.

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